Dr. Hope Jacoby’s love of sports dominates her life and her plans. Since
a young age, she’s been drawn to competition. As a high school student, she
played tennis for two years, softball for three years, and volleyball for four
years. She continued playing into college, taking part in volleyball and
bowling for her university.
Go through: https://hopejacoby.tumblr.com
Today, Dr. Jacoby loves to go white-water rafting,
tackling some of Mother Nature’s toughest rivers. She loves to ski, spending
her winter racing down America’s highest peaks. Her love of sports extends to
the less-extreme varieties, also.
On a nice Saturday or Sunday, you can find
her tackling a local golf course, running, or hiking. Dr. Hope Jacoby loves
athletics so much she took courses in college to help others train better,
including physiology, kinesiology, and athletic training, and joined a sports
medicine club at Barry University to further her skills in helping athletes
perform at their best.
Visit https://hopejacoby.wordpress.com for more details about her.